How to excite your "cold husband" in 6 steps


Many wives search for what excites their husband, and often focus on clothes "nightwear", this is good, but there is what excites your husband without clothes or perfumes, the man is aroused by other things, so to excite your husband, You must use all your senses, especially your soft hands.

 - Use the tattoo in a striking and attractive way to cover your body in an exciting way so as not to be completely undressed, always make space for fantasies, as the man loves the fantasies of the woman's body and its shape.

 - Speak to him in bold words, whether inside the house or outside, put for him the steps that he walks on, as he needs a little daring and excitement.

 - If you are ashamed to talk to him in sexy and daring words, talk to him on text messages and talk to him during the relationship; To let him know what you want to happen during the relationship.

 Do what is indicative of what you want, but in an indirect way, for example, loosen clothes in a slow way, put some moisturizing cream on your neck or any part of your body in front of it, turn on the exciting and eye-catching lights such as red, green and yellow, then he will know that he is facing an interesting task.

 - Do and suggest new positions that remove the routine of the relationship and make the relationship in a state of passion and fun.

 - Put a distance between refusal and acceptance, that is, spoil him, make him imagine that you are difficult to reach, and you will find him fighting to reach you on the bed.

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